
Kony 2012

A more current example regarding Kony where " the United States took that kind of action because the people demanded it. Not for self defence, but because it was right."


This isn't finished. "In order for him to be arrested this year, the Ugandan military has to find him. For this to happen, the Us Govenment has deployed advisors to help with the use of technology that will assist in finding him. However, if they do not believe that we care about arresting Kony, the mission will be cancelled. In order to care, they have to know."

Their has been some controversy over this video... that "the notion that a group of young Americans utterly disconnected from Uganda, save through the giving of small sums and a general feeling of sentimentality toward Africa, can stop a war there is laughable" (Jake Meador, A Failure of Storytelling: Kony 2012 and the Social Imagination).

There have been some other good points raised, that this would be an unconstitutional use of the US. Military, and that it would be economically irresponsible. Can we really afford to invest in this conflict, and is this the most responsible thing we can do?

Ugandan Leader Norbert Mao on KONY 2012 from INVISIBLE CHILDREN on Vimeo.

I do not have the whole answer, but I can draw off of what I do know. God has called us to care for the "least of these" Matthew 25 31-46 . I know that to sit and do nothing is not acceptable. We may not have the best answer, but with Prayer I would hope we would be given discernment and wisodm.

As Matthew Anderson of Mere Othodoxy says, "their video...challenges young people to get involved in something bigger than themselves, and seeks justice for the top international criminal in the world. That is something we should be proud of"

**For more reading and a great reference, A Brief Kony Reading List

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