
The Church

"To be a part of the church of Jesus Christ, as Jesus defined it, is to be a part of a spiritual legislative body tasked to enact heaven's viewpoint in hell's society"- Dr. Tony Evans

Sound a little harsh?

The Revelation of the Church is found in Matthew 16:18 - "And I also say to you, that you are Peter, and on the rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."

"Peter" (Petros = small stone)
"Rock" (petra = foundation boulder)
"the gates of Hades" (Literal location in Caesarea Philippi (sin city) where shrines were built to other gods)

Jesus had taken his disciples on a 32 mile walk to have this talk. They are now standing in front of the center of worship to false gods. Is Jesus showing showing them where he wanted them to build His Church? In locations where God is not even known? In locations where worship to other gods is happening?

Where are these locations God is calling us to build or engage in His Church? The Church is a representative body, and therefore by it's very nature should be engaging in society. The Kingdom of God is powerful and will affect every aspect of society.

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