
Snap to it

Working downtown is not all that it is cracked up to be...unless you work right by 2 of your besties, in which case it is better than anything you could imagine. It rocks. Not only do you have a reason to dress cute, but your lunch dates basically fall into place. Today featured Emily Prevost and #twitterlesskristy.
Lunch with Friends!


This time Whole Foods, next time Snap Kitchen.
The top floor of the Frost Tower apparently beckonds free coupons from random restaurants, all of which I gladly accept and use. Not only are the 5 meals I plan to get from Snap Kitchen free, but they will be Paleo. That's right, they have a whole Paleo menu.


Summer Treat

Slice a couple bananas, freeze, throw in a food processor, blend to whipped consistency, add other ingredients!

I added almond butter, cocoa, and cinnamon. YUM!


Perrier Mimosas

If I wasn't such a lightweight and the real thing wouldn't seriously disrupt my productivity, I would be having it...
I never though I would wish for there to be 6 days in a work week, yet this is where I find myself. Driving, well sitting in traffic, yesterday I realized I literally have all my fingers in different commitments. Yesterday, I was asked for the 3rd time in a week to lead a small group. So there's those 3, then the small group I am a member of, my iYL admin commitment, my desk job, my own photo biz (7 so far?), then a soccer team, volleyball, marathon training. That's 10, and it doesn't even include any relational time commitments with friends/roomates/siblings. (And that's a big one.)
Whelp, bring on the Fall...these all seem more do-able if I can not be sweating, wear scarves and wear boots. 

The End



This weeks to-try

ikea hackers


What do we think.

V8 or not?
cold or hot?
Could be a great Paleo snack!
We shall see, my mom used to always drink it and it grossed me out.
That and cornbread-milk, wth?


J Crizzle

I just bought these
Vintage matchstick cord

which can only mean one thing
that I will soon have a bf and long blonde hair and ride skateboards.

Currently Craigslisting...

Are we a fan of the bleached hardwood floors?
:::I think so:::


Currently Craigslisting "bleached hardwood"

Oh heyy future life

Currently Craigslisting "husband" and "wagoneer"

Currently Craigslisting "tilt shift lens" "beach get away" and "sugar daddy"

Currently Craigslisting "giraffes"

Currently Cragislisting "modern"

Currently Craigslisting "must haves"

Currently Craigslisting "yes please"
{This is from a blog called "le petit bird told me" how cute is that?!!}


More Great Ideas...

Check out the website for a "how to" and more great ideas!
{Seriously, this is a new fave and daily read}

These will be on my Father's next "If you want to do a craft that will bless your daughter" list
So far he's made both of these
 Still waiting to hang on the soon I promise!
and a coat rack, candle holder, and bistro table...
all made out of wine barrel furniture
...he's the coolest.

:::Oh and this is cute:::
{Would make a great gift for around $5}

Another blog I stumbled upon!
I love the idea of designing rugs,

and of course DIY birds...
check it out for awesome tutuorials!

As for my priority on my DIY list,
I shall make this
and be awesome.

This could be you

This could be you.
Tonight, 6:30.

In high hopes of raising my cool factor,
and making those who couldn't come, oh so jealous...
we will be taking lots of pictures just like this.

I know this place has an actual name,
but for now we will just refer to it as Tramp Town USA


Pretty Things

:::Cute, but what can I do with these::

Oh and this for sure.

wedding bikes..


Wanting to put some cute/fun inspiration in the house, currently loving these...

This one is funny, but I just love her so much! I finally saw Breakfast at Tiffany's, with my mom...which means I heard my mom use the term "gigalo" for the first time....there doesn't need to be a second...and no I don't care to know if I spelled that incorrectly or not.

This is also cute.

We sat around the Draught House on Wednesday and laughed about the homeschool days. Yes, there are knitters in my family. Growing up my mom mad all of our clothes - including dresses. Sweater dresses, in Texas? Really? That's a whole new level of homeschool cruelty. However, this is cute so I sent my mom the Free Pattern for stocking stuffer ideas.
 [ My guess is this idea will go over alot better than the Naughty Needles book I got her a few years ago...]