
Two million orphans...minus one

This weekend we ran the Marathon for Adoption ... ok ok we ran the half. I, however, forgot to pick up my packet. For you non-racers, all this basically means is that my time wasn't officically recored, so I'll just go ahead and tell you that I ran the whole thing in like 45 minutes...

We ran in support of one of my co workers Mandy and her husband's pursuit of adoption in Uganda, you can follow their sweet blog to read their story.

"learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; BRING JUSTICE TO THE FATHERLESS, plead the widow's cause." Isaiah 1:17

{Race photos aren't up yet but I will add some more later}


GranAnne said...

Why did you shirt change from 1st and 2nd pic? CONGRATS to you and Barb and Ricki!!!! Way to go!!!

Barbara said...

Lets be her!