
30 Days

Whelp here we go. I wish I had a before shot, but this is the skirt I cut from a dress. Just imagine this bottom with a really ugly royal blue top. PS this is my room, I threw everything to the side so it would look semi clean.It's July 1st, which means I've done Paleo for a month, and therefore am letting myself have a piece of the chocolate by my desk. Except, for the first time, after having it I did not crave more, but rather felt the effect on my body. I was a little worried I would just go crazy if I rewarded myself even a little, but if anything it has encouraged me to stick with it another month.
I start crossfit July 11th...I know it has taken me about a month to actually start from when I was planning, but no more excuses. Elements is 7/11, 7/13, and 7/15 and then I'll either start Endurance or the normal CrossFit classes.
One of my co-workers just walked by and asked me if I got a hair cut, but I made a comment like "no I just never fix my hair like this"...when in reality I did in fact give myself a haircut, and it was probably not the smartest idea I've ever had. Everyone was saying that when you are growing your hair out, you have to be sure to cut off the split I did. Literally I did the cutting. So rather than worrying about if my hair is straight or even, I know that is it healthy...aaaaaand I know that my mom will fix it this weekend. And hopefully take me to Sam's.

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