
My life is the definition of manic-deppressant

I'll admit it, I have a bit of a depressing personality: no I do not depress people with my personality (at least I hope not), but rather I am prone to depression. I take preventative measures in order to not spiral down into it, but sometimes circumstances in life make it all the more difficult and all I want to do is sleep late and go to bed early. I know I need fellowship, but I don't want to put on a happy face, nor do I want to explain what's going on, so I push everybody out of my life. Thus the spiral begins...

The last two days, however, I woke up without pushing the snooze button even once (gasp). I jumped in the shower and hopped in my new wheels read to attack the day. I sent this text to my family, who responded with flabergastion.
I remember going through a hard time in high school, and my young life leader encouraged me that the Christian life is not about always being on the "spiritual high," but rather God gives us those times as a refresher and a means to get through those "spiritual valley" times. I know this is true, and trust me it's not that I want to be manic all the time because I annoyed even myself yesterday when I couldn't seem to sit still. Makes me wonder, how would God want to see me handling those "valley" times? How are we suppossed to move foward through these times as Christians?

(New wheels)

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