
Summit Conferences

So blessed by this sweet family, though we had not seen each other since their wedding day! They put me up in their guest room before and after the Adult Conference, as a way of buffering my trip to relax and organize my notes/thoughts.

Just in case you missed it,

Was blessed to meet these wonderful women the first night, and started some pretty great friendships

If you squint you can see my room.
Ok just kidding it's on the other side. 

Snow in March, soooo good

Don't worry little Texan, just walk right over that frozen river...

Garden of the Gods

We heard from experts in theology, philosophy, economics, sociology, and other religions. I'm pretty sure my library trippled over night with CS Lewis, Moreland, Bonhoeffer, Metaxes, Chesterton, Jeff Myers, and David Noebel.

A flame was fanned at this conference, to glorify God with my mind. Having considered Seminary for a while now, I finally received some more direction and am anxiously waiting to hear back form Denver Seminary.

As a way of jump-starting my mind, I applied for a two week Student Conference offered this summer - a more intense version of this 5-day one I attended in March, and I just received my acceptance letter! Hoping the bro or some of my girls might attend with me, we shall see...


1 comment:

GranAnne said...

OH MY...can't WAIT to get to CO.!!!! I had never seen these pics either.... God's beauty in the mountains!!! WOW