
Perrier Mimosas

If I wasn't such a lightweight and the real thing wouldn't seriously disrupt my productivity, I would be having it...
I never though I would wish for there to be 6 days in a work week, yet this is where I find myself. Driving, well sitting in traffic, yesterday I realized I literally have all my fingers in different commitments. Yesterday, I was asked for the 3rd time in a week to lead a small group. So there's those 3, then the small group I am a member of, my iYL admin commitment, my desk job, my own photo biz (7 so far?), then a soccer team, volleyball, marathon training. That's 10, and it doesn't even include any relational time commitments with friends/roomates/siblings. (And that's a big one.)
Whelp, bring on the Fall...these all seem more do-able if I can not be sweating, wear scarves and wear boots. 

The End


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