The famous black babies with the barcodes for faces. I'll have to get back to you on the artist's name...

It was soo cold, but we didn't have enough time to go back to our flat before our museum tour, so we got come coffee, served with sparkling water (?), and people watched through a window haha

Lennon Wall...we'll have to go back and shine it, was didn't have any sharpies...

One the hour, the clock in Old Town Square has two little windows open and the statues of the 12 apostles go by while skeleton rings a bell, then a rooster crows...I know there is some significance to the skeleton, but I can't remember :)

Street named of Kranz Fafka, famous Prague writer.

If you look to the right of the narrow pink building, you can see how there used to be arches there. This was where a bomb was dropped by the German army, as a scare tactic to show they could pinpoint exactly where they wanted to send a bomb.

LOVE seeing Prague thru my sweet Molly's eyes :-)
Sorry I havn't had time for a decdect skype conversation yet, I just woke up from a nap so we'll cook some dinner in tonight and I'll call...i'm so excited to show Chel everything! Wish I could show you too
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