(the timeline of the pictures is from bottom to top)

I didn't get the name of the band, but they were set up in Old Town Square, jamming out for the tourists haha

Artist in Old Town Square, by the way he was facing I think he was sketching the clock tower

I was so happy to find this place, I probably spent 30 minutes in here. The owner has had this shop for about 11 years, and he speaks perfect English, he even let me bargain a little! I'll be coming back here for sure...

I won't complain if anyone wants to get me a camera like this, ok great.

Mom, this is what I wanted to buy you. Turns out I'm a poor college student?

Kinda creepy, but I thought it was funny :)

I love these bikes! This little courtyard was gated in, but I walked over to see these bikes and ended up finding the neatest store! The door in the left of the picture is the entrance...

Through this walkway is the fenced in courtyard where I found a hole-in-the-wall antique store!

My fave of the day :)

Transporter, anyone? I think I see Handsome Rob behind the wheel.

Euro dog, gross...but they do have excellent mulled vine (spiced wine)!