
The Summit @ ACC

Let's join together and cover this outreach with Prayer.

Last summer I got to know a fellow student after he asked if he could use an apologetic curricculum I had recently written. As this semester started, we realized we were in the same Formation Group I learned that his church South Fellowship was supporting him in reaching out to the Community College across the street. I was so excited when Brandon asked me to be a part of this outreach, though we did not know the capacity yet in which I would serve.
Brandon's team received about 200 questions which will serve as the discussion topics. We brainstormed the best way to organize the questions, fascilitate the discussion, and teach on the truth regarding each one. Personally, it was such a blessing to tangibly see how my apologetics education is already being used. It is also encouraging to see ministries like this spring up that are welcoming to doubts and questions regarding Christianity. Oh that it may be used for His glory!