Absolute claims of Christianity
In light of the reigning overtones of religious pluralism in our culture, "the Christian faith is portrayed as some kind of...hate filled, judgmental, exclusionary and ideationally unfit dinosaur for or pluralistic times." In light of what has been shown above, that every religion is in fact exclusive, why is it that Christianity is the only faith portrayed this way?
This is nothing new. "The apostles asserted that Christ alone is the truth in the midst of a world that is more religiously diverse than any we have known in the West until recently." Ravi has said that to bring "the exclusive claims of Jesus Christ into this mix was [and is] to put oil into water." However, we must remain intentional to not blend, for if the essence of the message changes it can be compromised, and when we give up all substance of the Gospel to win people over, we must ask ourselves what we are winning them over, to?
Ravi says that "if one can show that it is not one culture against another but one will against God, the truth sinks in deeply." I think this is a necessary mindset to engage with the pluralistic society in which we live in for the purposes of evangelism. We must acknowledge that it cannot be the intolerant nature of Christianity which is hindering people from accepting Christ, because as shown above this is intrinsic to any religious claim. Rather, we must realize there is spiritual battle which hinders some people from thinking clearly and recognizing the God of the Bible for who He is and what He's done.
"For communication to be effective, especially in matters as life-defining as the gospel message, truth and relevance are the two indispensable winds on which is it borne."
"Conveying the gospel in such settings demands protracted commitment of time and willingness to even to round in circles till the Holy Spirit lifts the veil and the light shines into darkness." After all, "only the power of the Holy Spirit can take truth and gently reveal the error of an ingrained way of thinking."
As Douglas Groothuis has stated, "evangelize people as soon as possible but no sooner," implying that there must be a proper framework in place before the gospel can be accepted for what it is. "When Christians as well as others adopt the view that religion in general is good and no one religion should claim that it alone offers truth and salvation, then the biblical worldview will not be taken seriously." "Even Jesus waited for the appropriate time before getting to the demands of the gospel message. The truth is that many a heart needs this preparatory time before the seed is planted." Without this preparatory time, even the most powerful apologetic for Christianity will be ignored by anyone who simply accepts all religions as equally spiritual.
We must remember that even within the church, "there are silent doubters in our midst." We must not reserve combatting religious pluralism for our interactions with the secular world. Rather, let us present within our church how biblical claims are incompatible with any form of religious pluralism and joyfully proclaim how wonderful it is to have found the truth and express thanksgiving that with it brings an all fulfilling personal relationship with the revealer of truth. We can then confidently engage with the religious pluralist, knowing that all truth is God's truth, and that the very concept of truth itself is a great place to start the conversation.
Zacharias, Ravi. Jesus Among Other Gods. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2002.
Zacharias, Ravi. Beyond Opinion. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2010.
Zacharias, Ravi. To Everyone an Answer: A Case of the Christian Worldview. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2004.
Schaeffer, Francis. The God Who Is There. 2nd ed. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1982.
Barna, George. Generation Next: What You Should Know About Today's Youth. Ventura: Regal, 1995.
Zacharias, Ravi. Is Your Church Ready?: Motivating Leaders to Live an Apologetic life. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003.
Rorty, Richard. Consequences of Pragmatism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 1982.
Wells, David. No Place for Truth, Or Whatever Happened to Evangelical Theology? Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,1993
Groothuis, Douglas. Class Lecture, Denver Seminary, January 1, 2013.
Zacharias, Ravi. A Shattered Visage: The Real Face of Atheism. Brentwood: Wolgemuth & Hyatt, 1990.
Groothuis, Douglas. Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2011.
“Jesus Among Other Gods.” Review of Jesus Among Other Gods by Ravi Zacharias. Publishers Weekly, July 10, 2000.
Jones, Timothy. “Reaching the ‘Happy Pagans’: Interview with Apologist Ravi Zacharias, Christianity Today. November 14, 1994.