"Who told you that you were naked?" Gen 3:11
Who told you that you were judged from the outside?
Who told you you weren't beautiful?
When did you first tilt your head when you looked in the mirror, and eventually let it hang in shame?
"The theif comes only to steal and kill and destoy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" - John 10:10
I laid in bed last night and I couldn't stop thinking about this. When I close my eyes and think about God saying, "Who told you that you were naked," I picture Him getting so angry, and his heart breaking. Shame had been revealed to his beloved children. His children whom He is jealous of, whom He wants to experience Freedom, so much that he died for it.
We have an enemy who wants to destroy us, and even though he does not win in the end, he tries as if there was that chance. If he can't destory us, he will distract us so he can destory others.
"Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth" Colossians 3:2
Oh, Beloved, that we would set our minds on things above, that we would experience this life to the full and the unconditional love of Jesus.