Though the face I'm making is due to my current state of Bell's Palsy, it also reflects on how much of a grasp I have on life right now :)
I've recently discovered not only my love for writing, but the therapy I find in it, so for those of you that come here for photography purposes, here's an insight to my soul...
I don't know what it is about acoustic music, but it always sends me down a pondering path where I get lost in my own thoughts and have problems gathering or articulating them, which I where I found myself this afternoon sitting in Opas, previously known as Music Cafe.
I love reading, I love philosophy, specifically religious philosophy, but usually have problems relating specific truths to me and my life, though I find them applicable to life in general.
I've recently finished school, but am admittedly finding myself a little lost when I am not in some capacity of learning, which is probably causing my total consumption by philosophy books given to me by my mother.
I am currently doing my first
Precept Bible Study, and I get excited about the possibility of pursuing more education in terms of apologetics and/or philosophy...and then I get the feeling I'm running away from an adult life with a career. I am told that this is the only time in my life when I could pick up and move to Colorado and do a "Summit Semester", or attend a Torchbearer school, but then I get convicted on the fact that for the most part I have spend most of my energy focusing on change and not allowing myself to grow deeper in my relationships.
That's it, not too much of a conclusion.