I've sat here for the last hour trying to put it into words what I've recently learned/am learning, and can't seem to do it. I need to reflect some more. I hate that, not being able to articulate. I'm reading this book I found on a coffee table while I was babysitting, and am so glad I did because based on the cover I probably wouldn't have picked it up at Book People. Yes, I judge books by their covers.
So for now, I will leave you with my current top 10, not that that has anything to do with anything :)
* Reading this book, The Fulfillment of all Desire, on my hammock. But I need to take more notes because my mind obviously doesn't work on it's own.
* Having Christmas movie marathons. I watched Home Alone and The Grinch this week. I love getting ready for Christmas even before Thanksgiving. I was babysitting last November and we were having a dance party to Christmas music. The dad walked in and told me that was not ok before Thanksgiving, but he forgave me.
* Running outside, but not Town Lake on Saturday mornings.
* Editing photos in Caffe Medici
* Babysitting. I taught one of the boys I regularly babysit for a new song this week that made him laugh alot, and how to count to 10. I can't wait to be a mom.
* Sliding on my floors with my socks on.
* The "In Good Company" soundtrack
* Discussing philosophy with my mom, though neither one of us really know what we're talking about :)
* Job possibilities, both with people I love and involving things I love to do, pray for this!
* Traveling down memory lane

With my recent return to the states, I have found I have turned over many new leafs, leaves? I like to run in the morning, I've been cooking, and am actually trusting God with my future, no matter how uncertain it is.
I feel like my thoughts are going very fast but in two oppostie directions. One being, going back to prague semi-permanently maybe through a young life internship, while the other side is getting really excited about getting my photo business going full time.
I'm praying very much fo discernment, and I'm so thankful for the Peace I have while I wait on clear direction.
It has been so great catching up with friends, seeing how the kids I've babysat have grown, getting plugged back in at Church, and seeing how Austin Bible has grown over the summer.
STUCK Bible study starts this Tue night!!
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